Friday, May 29, 2009

Skin cells need water to function.

The skins won't be able to regenerate without adequate water. The body dehydrates easily due to our daily activities. That amount of water lost has to be replaced soon, and that is why the need to drink eight glasses of water everyday is required.

Water keeps the epidermis healthy.

The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin. One of its roles is to keep harmful microorganisms from entering the body through the skin pores. Our pores become larger if there isn't enough water in the skin. So the use of natural remedy dry skin hard water is now becoming popular nowadays.

Water flushes out toxins.

Without water, harmful elements will stay in the body instead of being excreted out properly. And sometimes, if it can't through the normal channels, it would try to get out by some other means like through the skin, nose, or ears. So to keep skin healthy, make sure that you drink enough water. 

Water carry nutrients.

Like blood, water facilitates the transport of nutrients inside the body. It keeps every organ healthy, most especially the skin. Water also tones the muscles and prevents the instances of cramping.

Water-based moisturizers remedies dry skin.

If your skin were dry, the best possible solution would be to apply dry skin water, moisturizers, oils, and lotions to it. While you can increase your daily consumption of water to stop your skin from drying, applying them is surely a good complement. You can also use cold water for skin toning.

Water aids in the treatment of skin problems like psoriasis and eczema.

If you unfortunately have developed skin problems like eczema and psoriasis, the best solution is to drink lots of water while treating the disease according to your doctor's prescriptions. With enough water in the body, the healing process becomes faster.

These are the benefits of water in the skin, and the rest of the body. There are some studies identifying water skin irritants, so it is also important to make sure that the water you drink or apply to your skin is absolutely clean and germ-free.

Now you know why does water wrinkle your skin. So, for a healthier skin regimen, make it a point that you are drinking water for your skin everyday. A healthy skin creates a certain glow that makes you look beautiful and younger than you really are. Start that habit. Drink water for a healthier skin!

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