Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Best Treatments for Dealing with Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease that usually contains raised, red patches covered with a build-up of dead skin cells. Psoriasis can affect different areas of the body. Choosing a psoriasis treatment can be difficult, as people react differently to different treatments. While choosing a treatment, it is important to consult your doctor and to discuss your psoriasis symptoms. This article deals with:
  • What are the different forms of psoriasis?
  • How psoriasis can be prevented?
  • Which is the most common form of psoriasis?
Choosing a psoriasis treatment can be difficult, as people react differently to different treatments. While choosing a treatment, it is important to consult your doctor and to discuss your psoriasis symptoms. Specific psoriasis conditions (like scalp psoriasis, genital psoriasis or pustular psoriasis) may require different treatment.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disease that usually contains raised, red patches covered with a build-up of dead skin cells. There are different forms of psoriasis (including plaque, guttate, inverse, pustular and erythrodermic). Psoriasis can also affect different areas of the body (including scalp psoriasis, genital psoriasis, psoriasis on the face, psoriasis on the hands and feet and psoriasis of the nails).

Usually people have only one type of psoriasis at a time. Sometimes psoriasis can change from one form of psoriasis to another. It is most likely to appear on the scalp, knees, elbows or torso, but it can develop anywhere on the body. Psoriasis is not infectious and cannot be caught from another person.

People suffering from psoriasis may develop psoriatic arthritis. It is similar to rheumatoid arthritis, but not as severe. It may affect the fingers, toes, neck, lower back, knees and ankles. In severe cases, it can cause irreversible damage to joints.


About fifty percent of people suffering from psoriasis develop scalp psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis is caused by the body producing too many skin cells on the scalp, resulting in red lesions covered with a white scale (made up of dead skin cells). In extreme cases of scalp psoriasis, thick plaques can cover the scalp and cause hair loss.

What Causes Psoriasis?

The exact cause of psoriasis is not known, but it is believed to be a genetic condition. It seems that the immune system speeds up the growth of new skin cells, so that the skin cells pile up. Often, there is something that triggers the immune system to act in this way and the resulting psoriasis. Some of the triggers that can cause psoriasis are:
  • Stress;
  • Injury to the skin;
  • Infection;
  • Reaction to drugs;
  • Vaccinations;
  • Sunburn;
  • Scratches;
  • Weather;
  • Diet;
  • Allergies.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

Plaque psoriasis is the most common form of psoriasis. People suffering from plaque psoriasis will develop 'lesions' on their skin, which are covered by a white scale (from dead skin cells). The skin will also be itchy.


Treatment for psoriasis depends on the type of psoriasis you are suffering from and the psoriasis treatment that works best for you. Discuss any treatment with your doctor or skin specialist.


One of the most uncomfortable things about psoriasis is the associated itchiness. Cool water can help relief this itchiness. Try a wet towel, a cold shower, a cold bath or a cold pack. Many of the medication and natural treatments mentioned below will also help combat the itchiness.


When considering treatment for psoriasis, it may be beneficial to know some of the natural treatments that are available. Although none of these treatments will cure psoriasis, they may relieve the symptoms and itchiness and help prevent further outbreaks from occurring. All natural treatments should be discussed with your doctor, as it may affect any psoriasis treatment he or she prescribes.
  • Baths can be beneficial by themselves in relieving itchiness. Oatmeal, Epsom salts and Dead Sea salts can help remove the scales and also help in soothing itchiness.
  • Aloe Vera is often used to soothe and moisturize skin.
  • Apple cider vinegar can be used to soothe the skin. You may also add it to a bath.
  • Capsaicin is found in cayenne peppers. It can help treat red, scaly and itchy skin.
  • Evening primrose oil can be found in cream or lotion form. It can also be taken as a nutritional supplement.
  • Tea tree can be applied to the skin or added to baths.
  • Fish oil, taken as a supplement, can help improve the symptoms associated with psoriasis.
  • Milk thistle can be purchased in tablet or fluid form. It helps stop T-cell activation.
  • Turmeric can help relieve psoriatic arthritis.

How to Decide What Lotion to Use and When

All these types of skin care body lotion come in a variety of scents, healing abilities, and features. Also, it uses different essential oils to be more effective. It is quite easy to determine which type of lotion to buy but nonetheless, here are good tips to guide you:

Get a sunscreen lotion if you intend to stay under the sun for long

Sunscreen lotions are popularly used in beaches and uncovered pools. But it should also be used for other outdoor activities that require you to be under the sun for hours. Such activities include hiking, mountain climbing, and day camping. If you want to watch sports and games held in an open arena, better get a bottle as well.

Get lotions with AHA or alpha hydroxyl acids if your skin needs firming

AHA is a very popular lotion ingredient. It is an acid found in red wine, sour milk, and certain fruits. It is also effective in smoothing skin that is damaged by the sun's harmful rays. Get it if you think your skin has lost its innate radiance.

Get scented lotions for a romantic effect

Your skin needs fragrance too. And to ensure that your body scent does not rely on your perfume alone, apply lotion that matches your favorite fragrance for that date tonight. Also, try to use a matching lotion lip balm with your lipstick. You don't want your skin to dry out and ruin your perfect night, would you? 

Get all-natural high moisturizing lotion for your everyday use

Just like perfumes, you have ones you use everyday and ones you use only for special occasions. It goes true for lotions as well. An all-effective lotion with a mild scent is perfect for an after bath lotion. And most of the time, these come cheaper than those colored and fragrant ones. Organic skin care products fall under this category.

Get a night lotion with a relaxing effect

Most moisturizes works well at night. This is because when you sleep the body is in total relaxation. During which time, the process of moisturizing works to its maximum. So to ensure yourself of a good night sleep and a beauty rest every time, get yourself a bottle of relaxing lotion with a mild scent of essential oils like chamomile, jasmine, and lavender.

Buying and using just any lotion is not exactly right. Always get a bath lotion for dry skin or a body lotion for oily skin, if your skin is like that. Milk bath skin lotion, on the other hand, is what you should use if you want to maintain your skin's youthful glow. The proper care of your skin starts with the type of lotion you choose!

Lotions for Skin Care

A number of breakthrough lotions formulas are being released in the market. There are different variants of bath lotion for dry skin, oily skin, and normal skin. There is also what's is called milk bath skin lotion
That every one can use to maximize that nourishing effect. Choosing the right lotion for your skin is essential to ensure that perfect glow. Just know your skin type and match it with the lotion you are to buy. You can never go wrong with that.

The Different Types of Lotions Available for the Skin

Bath lotion
Bath lotions are the ones that are supposed to use right after you took a shower. This is the type of lotion you need to apply if you stayed in the tub too long that wrinkles are showing in your fingers and toes. These lotions replace the essential oils that are normally washed off every time you take a bath. Plus, it also helps in maintaining the skin's moisture. This is exactly how a bath lotion for dry skin works.
Milk Bath
Milk baths are formulas that are supposed to be added to your regular tub of water during baths. You are supposed to soak in it for a while so that your skin absorbs the goodness that milk can bring. Milk bath is made popular by Cleopatra, the Egyptian princess who became famous for her beautiful skin.
Body Lotion
Body lotions are ones you are supposed to put all over your body, for that instant moisturized effect. Most body lotions come in different scents and colors to fit your mood. It may also come with sunscreen and ultraviolet rays protection.
Baby Lotion
Baby lotions are tested inside dermatological laboratories and are deemed to be suitable for delicate skin such as the baby's. This type of lotion is usually organic and does not contain harsh chemicals and fragrances that could irritate sensitive skin.
Hand lotion
Because the hand is the body part the usually moves and does all the work, it is very prone to dryness and dehydration. Hand lotions provide instant relief for the hands because the skin absorbs this type of lotion easily. This is a very basic lotion skin care regimen that your body requires.


Foods to Eat for Clear Skin

Skin vitamins can be taken as nutritional supplements or they can be incorporated into your diet. Here are some foods good for your skin.


Vitamin A can be found in the following foods:
  • Eggs
  • Whole milk
  • Liver
  • Carrots
  • Mango
  • Spinach
  • Breakfast cereal


Vitamin B can be found in the following foods:
  • Wheat germ
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole wheat
  • Bran
  • Whole brown rice
  • Dairy products
  • Milk
  • Liver
  • Kidney
  • Fish
  • Eggs


Vitamin E can be found in the following foods:
  • Almonds
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Peanut butter
  • Hazelnuts
  • Safflower oil
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Mango


Vitamin C can be found in the following foods:
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Mandarins
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Green peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Cabbage


Vitamin D can be found in the following foods.
  • Milk
  • Fortified rice
  • Fortified margarine
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Liver
  • Cheese
Sunlight can also provide the body with vitamin D.


Zinc can be found in the following foods.
  • Dairy products
  • Beans and lentils
  • Yeast
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Cereals
  • Pumpkin seeds
All of these foods contain good skin vitamins. Foods to eat for clear skin include anything from the list of foods for vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin C foods are good foods to tighten skin.


Sometimes our diet does not contain all the vitamins and nutrients we need to keep our skin looking healthy. The following dietary supplements can help prevent and treat problems, based on skin type.
  • Dry skin. Good supplements for people with dry skin include evening primrose oil, vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin B-complex, vitamin B12, vitamin E, zinc and selenium.
  • Oily skin.  Good supplements for people with oily skin include evening primrose oil, vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin B complex, vitamin B12, vitamin E, zinc and flaxseed oil.
  • Combination skin and Normal skin. Good supplements for people with combination skin and normal skin include evening primrose oil, vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin B complex, vitamin B12, vitamin E and zinc.


Eating vitamins good for skin, along with the right skin care treatment, can help keep your skin looking its very best, as well as reducing and preventing problem areas. The skin vitamins mentioned here are beneficial for everyone who wants healthy, problem-free skin.

Foods and Vitamins to Beautify Your Skin

When it comes to caring for your skin, vitamins and good nutrition can be just as beneficial as a good skin care treatment . Vitamins are important in keeping your skin looking and feeling healthy. They can also help prevent and treat any problem areas and skin disorders. This article discusses:
  • What are the vitamins that keep your skin healthy?
  • Which food products/items contain vitamins for a healthy skin?
  • Learn more on supplements that helps your skin to stay healthy
When it comes to caring for your skin, vitamins and good nutrition can be just as beneficial as a good skin care treatment. Vitamins are important in keeping your skin looking and feeling healthy. They can also help prevent and treat any problem areas and skin disorders. A bad diet that is lacking in vitamins can make your skin blotchy and lifeless. When looking at your overall skin care, pay attention to your diet and ensure it includes the right vitamins good for skin care.

Vitamins and Minerals

Here are some of the best minerals and vitamins for healthy skin. Including these skin rejuvenating vitamins in your diet will help keep your skin looking healthy and free from problems.


Vitamin A is a very good vitamin for healthy skin. It helps strengthen the skin and repair tissues. It can be taken in foods, as a supplement or as a topical cream. Vitamin A can help prevent dry skin and acne. It can also be used to treat wrinkles.


Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help prevent free radical damage to the skin. Vitamin E is a good vitamin to take when your skin is suffering some damage from the sun or other factors.


Vitamin C helps with healing wounds and other damage to the skin. There is some evidence to suggest it may rejuvenate the skin. Vitamin C will also help the immune system fight off illnesses.


Vitamin D is an antioxidant that may play a role in skin pigmentation.


Vitamin B helps keep your skin tone healthy. It is also a good vitamin for relieving stress, and so it may prevent some of the skin problems (like eczema) that can be caused by stress. There are a number of different vitamins in the vitamin B group.
  • Vitamin B1 is an antioxidant that helps rid the body of toxins. It can also assist circulation.
  • Vitamin B2 helps keep the skin healthy. It can also help prevent acne.
  • Vitamin B3 improves circulation.
  • Vitamin B5 helps reduce stress.
  • Vitamin B6 helps keep the immune system healthy.


Zinc helps the skin's natural healing process. It is good in preventing the over-production of sebum, which will also help clear up acne. Zinc also helps the immune system.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Skin cells need water to function.

The skins won't be able to regenerate without adequate water. The body dehydrates easily due to our daily activities. That amount of water lost has to be replaced soon, and that is why the need to drink eight glasses of water everyday is required.

Water keeps the epidermis healthy.

The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin. One of its roles is to keep harmful microorganisms from entering the body through the skin pores. Our pores become larger if there isn't enough water in the skin. So the use of natural remedy dry skin hard water is now becoming popular nowadays.

Water flushes out toxins.

Without water, harmful elements will stay in the body instead of being excreted out properly. And sometimes, if it can't through the normal channels, it would try to get out by some other means like through the skin, nose, or ears. So to keep skin healthy, make sure that you drink enough water. 

Water carry nutrients.

Like blood, water facilitates the transport of nutrients inside the body. It keeps every organ healthy, most especially the skin. Water also tones the muscles and prevents the instances of cramping.

Water-based moisturizers remedies dry skin.

If your skin were dry, the best possible solution would be to apply dry skin water, moisturizers, oils, and lotions to it. While you can increase your daily consumption of water to stop your skin from drying, applying them is surely a good complement. You can also use cold water for skin toning.

Water aids in the treatment of skin problems like psoriasis and eczema.

If you unfortunately have developed skin problems like eczema and psoriasis, the best solution is to drink lots of water while treating the disease according to your doctor's prescriptions. With enough water in the body, the healing process becomes faster.

These are the benefits of water in the skin, and the rest of the body. There are some studies identifying water skin irritants, so it is also important to make sure that the water you drink or apply to your skin is absolutely clean and germ-free.

Now you know why does water wrinkle your skin. So, for a healthier skin regimen, make it a point that you are drinking water for your skin everyday. A healthy skin creates a certain glow that makes you look beautiful and younger than you really are. Start that habit. Drink water for a healthier skin!

Water and Skin Care

Water plays a big relation in taking care of your skin. Have you ever wondered why does water wrinkle your skin? This is because water has certain elements that react to human skin.
You might have heard a number of skincare experts saying that drinking water for your skin would help a lot. Quite true. Water is indeed vital to a beautiful skin. And much of it is because of the very nature of water.

The Nature of Water

Water primarily stimulates the circulation of blood, fluids, and the necessary elements inside our body. Additionally, it also controls and regulates the skin's natural balance. When water is warm, it has the power to hydrate, revitalize, detoxify, and oxygenate the skin. Warm water also gets rid of blackheads and makes large pores smaller. Drinking water makes the body more relaxed and invigorated. It also replaces the moisture lost due to everyday activities. Simply put, these are all the benefits of drinking water for skin.

Why Does Water Wrinkle Your Skin?

Staying underwater or soaked in a bathtub too much causes your skin to wrinkle. It is because the water washes off the sebum, an oily substance produced in the epidermis, which in turn, is the outer layer of the skin. Sebum actually blocks water from entering the skin. But it is washed off when you stay in the water too much and then absorbing water through skin starts. Without sebum, water penetrates the skin causing it to swell. The tip of the fingers and toes are the ones most affected. And it is because these parts of the skin hold water and sebum is abundant there too. But then again, once the absorbed water evaporates, the skin that has been wrinkled by water goes back to its normal form. So the wrinkles to the skin caused by water is really not something to worry about.

The Role of Water in Skin Care

Water keeps the skin hydrated.
Our skin is comprised of 90% water. And so without the right amount of water to keep that level, the skin tends to be unhealthy and dry. In fact, dehydration does not affect the skin alone, but the rest of the body as well, including the vital organs like kidneys and lungs.

How Can Freckles Be Treated?

The most popular freckle remover in these days is laser. Laser procedures are able to remove the freckle from the skin without causing any kind of damage to the surrounding tissue. Plus, it doesn't require high doses of anesthesia and they are procedures that are very quick to perform.
The only problem with this kind of treatment is its cost and the fact that you won't be able to sunbath for a time since the wounds need to close.

For a time, cryosurgery was also popular for treating freckles. This procedure uses liquid nitrogen in order to freeze the affected region of the skin so the freckle can be easily removed. However, with the advent of laser technology, cryosurgery has lost some terrain. There are some cases, though, in which dermatologists still recommend the use of cryosurgery.

Do Freckles Pose Health Risks?

Yes and no. If a person has freckles, the best thing that he or she can do is to visit, each year, a dermatologist. The doctor will take pictures of the most important freckles in the body in order to evaluate them after a year. Why is it needed? The reason is that a freckle could be the antecessor to a more dangerous kind of spot: melanoma. The doctor needs to assure himself that there hasn't been any change in the pattern of the freckle.

If your family has an antecedent of cancer and you have freckles, then you may have a genetic disposition for melanoma. Look for a dermatologist and let him examine your skin. Additionally, do not forget to tell him if there have been cases of skin cancer in your family. This information is very important for him since he will be able to implement a proper treatment.

How Can Freckles Be Prevented?

The best way to avoid their appearance is by not having any kind of contact with intense sun, especially during the summer. Of course, few people will want to follow this option since most of them want to spend time in the outsides, especially in the beach. So, if you are one of those persons, your best choice is to use sunscreen. Consult your dermatologist in order to determine which kind, and level, of sunscreen you need to use.

Teen freckles can be a nuisance for many adolescents who consider their external image the most important thing for them. However, it is very important that parents teach their kids that there is no magical remedy. If they have been born with freckles, they will have to accept it as part of their lives. Although a freckle remover can eliminate the ones that pose a health risk, the truth is that freckles are here to stay.

Freckles - Prevent 'em or Treat 'em?

Millions of people around the world have freckles. However, there are those who wish that a full freckle remover existed. Why? There may be different reasons; it could be a matter of aesthetics (very important in a teen; freckles can be the source of great unhappiness) or health
Freckles can pose a risk to our lives if they aren't adequately supervised and treated.

So, if you are interested in freckle removal, remedies for freckles and freckle treatments then it is in your best interest to continue reading this article and find out what can you do with them.

What Are Freckles?

Freckles are marks that appear in our skin as a consequence to our exposure to the sun. They are usually present in people with pale skin, blond or red hair. However, what causes freckles? The active ingredient for the production of freckles is the melanocortin-1 receptor MC1R gene variant.

When a person has this gene variant, and spends time under the sun, freckles will start to make their appearance, especially in the face. When the sun rays penetrate their skin, they make contact with the melanocytes, activating them. As a reaction, they will create new freckles or increase the size of the older ones.

Different Types Of Freckles

There are two main types of freckles, known as ephelides and lentigines. Ephelides comes from the Greek word for freckle: ephelis. The principal characteristic of this form of freckle is its color (red or light brown). Usually, they appear during the summer months and tend to disappear through the winter.

In the case of lentigines (the word comes from Latin, lentil), things are a bit different. Most of the times they appear in children and their skin develops a spot of darker colors (brown to black). Finally, they don't disappear during winter. Although they may not be very attractive in appearance, they don't pose any type of risk.

Although these are the two main types of freckles, there are some variations that need to be considered. For example, when an adult develops lentigines, they are usually called "age spots" or "liver spots". However, you shouldn't be deceived by these names. They are the manifestation of overexposure to the sun in a skin that has a genetic tendency to develop freckles.

Herbal Remedies and Other Natural Remedies

Herbs and other natural products contain ingredients that help to provide good oily skin care treatment. Lime juice, cucumber juice and lemon juice are good for oily skin.
Apply the juice directly onto your skin, allow it to dry and then wash off with warm water. To reduce the effects of make-up on oily skin, the juice should be left to dry and make-up can be applied directly on top of it.

Witch hazel is a good natural product for absorbing extra oil. Lavender may also be used in oily skin care. You can use it as a mist, in a toner or in a facial sauna. For a facial sauna, parsley and thyme can also be added. For an aromatherapy facial sauna, add lemon, cedarwood or rosemary.

Clay masks are particularly effective in the treatment of oily skin. You can make your own clay mask by mixing green clay power with water or honey. Apply it to your face and then rinse off after fifteen minutes.

Fruit acid masks are very effective in oily skin care. They remove the excess oil and dead skin cells, without stripping the skin of its natural moisture. Fruit acid masks can be made at home by applying papaya, mango, grapefruit or any fruit containing acid to the face.


When using artificial creams or supplements for oily skin care, it is important to pick products that are suited for treatment for oily skin. Avoid products that contain harsh chemicals or alcohol.  Products that dry out the skin should not be used, as these may cause the skin to compensate by producing more sebum.

It is important that oily skin is kept thoroughly clean. Stay away from harsh cleansers. Instead choose a pure soap, with no artificial additives. Antibacterial cleansing lotions can be effective in cleansing oily skin.

Astringents that contain acetone are good for oily skin, as acetone dissolves oil.

When choosing a moisturizer for oily skin, it is particularly important to choose the right one. Choose a moisturizer that is specifically made for oily skin. Oil-free moisturizers are best. Do not over-apply your moisturizer.

Supplements can assist in oily skin treatment, as they help keep the skin healthy and prevent problems. Evening primrose oil is a good supplement to take for oily skin care. Vitamin A, Vitamin B2 and a Vitamin B complex are also effective.


Providing the right treatment for oily skin may often seem like a difficult task. By making use of natural products and using the right creams and supplements, good oily skin care will keep your skin healthy and any problems will be minimized.

Caring for Oily Skin

Oily skin is caused by over-active glands, which produce too much sebum. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. It is necessary as it helps lubricate your skin and carries away dead skin cells. When the skin is oily, too much sebum is being produced. This article tells you:

   What are the problems faced by people having oily skin?
  • How food intake and oily skin are associated?
  • What causes oily skin?
The right oily skin care is essential for anyone with oily skin. Oily skin does not look healthy and is prone to skin problems like acne. It is important that such skin be given proper treatment for oily skin.

What is oily skin and how is it caused?

Oily skin is caused by over-active glands, which produce too much sebum. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands. It is necessary as it helps lubricate your skin and carries away dead skin cells. When the skin is oily, too much sebum is being produced. The skin becomes dull and greasy and pores may become clogged.

The extra secretion of sebum can be caused by many factors. Heredity, diet, birth control pills and the wrong cosmetics can all cause oily skin. Hormonal balances can also affect the production of sebum, which is why oily skin is often common in teenagers, pregnant women or women going through menopause.

Problems Faced by People with Oily Skin

People with oily skin often suffer from skin problems, like blemishes, acnes, black heads, white heads and pimples. Enlarged and clogged pores may be a problem. Oily skin often looks dull and shiny. With the right oily skin treatment, it is possible to treat such problems.

How to have less oily skin

Oily skin, and the problems it brings, can be minimized. Thorough cleansing can prevent some of the problems associated with oily skin, as it removes the dirt and dust and stops the pores becoming clogged. As make-up can also clog pores, it is important that all make-up is removed before going to bed. Here are some more tips on how to have less oily skin.


Natural oily skin care can be very effective. Food intake, proper hydration, herbal care and other natural remedies can all help provide the proper treatment for oily skin.

Food Intake

To improve your oily skin through nutrition, eat plenty of foods that are rich in protein. Include lots of leafy vegetables and fresh fruit. Vitamin B2 can help prevent oily skin, so include good sources of B2 by eating wheat germs, whole grains, beans and nuts.

Cut down on the amount of sugar and fat in your diet, and avoid soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, chocolate and fried food.


People sometimes make the mistake that oily skin does not need to be hydrated, but oil is not moisture. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking plenty of water. A good moisturizer, that is suited to oily skin, can also help keep your oily skin hydrated.

Are Anti Wrinkle Creams Safe?

No cream can be considered 100% safe as different people may have different allergic reactions to different ingredients. Some ingredients may cause redness and irritation.
Any anti wrinkle creams that you try for the first time should be tested first. Some anti wrinkle creams may be unsafe for pregnant women, so check with your doctor first. Here are some of the most likely anti wrinkle cream ingredients that are likely to have side effects.
  • Vitamin A or retinol can cause redness and irritation. Retinol is usually milder than vitamin A and less likely to have that effect. Pregnant women should not use vitamin A or retinol.
  • Tretoin (retin-A) cause increase the likelihood of sunburn. The effects of retin-A can also include dryness, redness and irritation.
  • Hydroxyl acids may cause burning, itching and possible scarring. They may also increase the likelihood of sunburn.
  • Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). Alpha-lipoic acid can cause inflammation.
  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C may cause stinging and irritation.
  • Collagen. Collagen is meant to nourish the skin. It has not been proven to be effective.

Do Anti wrinkle creams Work?

There is evidence to suggest that many of the ingredients found in anti wrinkle creams do have a positive effect on the skin's appearance. Although they will not remove wrinkles, they will tone up the skin, remove dead skin, reduce the appearance of spots and make wrinkles less noticeable.  Some ingredients have not been thoroughly tested and further research needs to be carried out before there can be proof that these wrinkle creams do have a positive effect. Although some studies have shown a noticeable effect, it has not been discovered how they actually produce that effect.

Many of the ingredients in anti wrinkle creams work with the skin's natural processes and help improve the processes that reduce damage, repair damage, tighten up skin and plump up skin. They make the skin healthier, which helps the skin to look better and the effects of wrinkles to be minimized.

So do wrinkle creams work? It depends on what you want them to do. If you expect anti wrinkle creams to magically remove all of your wrinkles, then you will be disappointed. Some anti wrinkle creams will have a significant effect, but to what extent it improves your skin's appearance depends on the type of wrinkle cream you are using, whether it is suited to your particular problem and skin and the length of time that the wrinkle cream is used.

Even if they are considered one of the best anti wrinkle creams or have done well with all the ratings, anti wrinkle creams need to be tested against your particular needs. Compare wrinkle creams and find out which one works best for you. One of the best anti wrinkle eye creams for you may be something that has not worked very well for your best friend. Bear in mind, however, that anti wrinkle creams need to be tested for at least three months to see if there is any noticeable effect.

How do Anti wrinkle creams Work?

Anti wrinkle creams are special creams, formulated to help reduce the appearance of aging. There are special creams for different problems and different stages of life. There are anti wrinkle creams for people in their thirties and anti wrinkle creams for people over 50. There are also special anti wrinkle creams for eyes and other specific areas. This article guides you through:
  • What are anti-wrinkle creams?
  • Which are the common chemicals used in Anti-Wrinkle creams?
  • To what extent anti wrinkle creams are safe?
Anti wrinkle creams are special creams, formulated to help reduce the appearance of aging. There are special creams for different problems and different stages of life. There are anti wrinkle creams for people in their thirties and anti wrinkle creams for people over 50. There are also special anti wrinkle creams for eyes and other specific areas. Even the best wrinkle creams and the best anti wrinkle eye creams do not actually remove wrinkles. Rather, they help remove dead skin and firm up the skin's overall appearance. They can also help prevent further wrinkles. Although they do not actually remove wrinkles, the overall effect of the skin can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Research is not yet conclusive as to how all anti wrinkle creams work. Some ingredients have been shown to be effective, but the reason why they are effective is not yet known. Different anti wrinkle creams work the different way. Some anti wrinkle creams work by toning up the skin, thus reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Others plump up the skin, filling in creases. A lot of anti wrinkle creams work with the skin's natural repairing process. They might stimulate the production of collagen or other natural substances within the skin. They can also increase the effectiveness of antioxidants within the skin. Others affect the sebaceous glands and the production of sebum.

Common Ingredients in Anti Wrinkle Creams

Different anti wrinkle creams will use different ingredients. Some of the best wrinkle creams and the best anti wrinkle eye creams will use better ingredients (that is ingredients that have been scientifically proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles). Here are some of the most common ingredients that are used in anti wrinkle creams.
  • Vitamin E. Vitamin E is known to be a good vitamin for skin.
  • Hydroxy acids (including Alppha hydroxyl acids, beta hydroxy acids and poly hydroxy acids). Hydroxy acids are synthetic versions of the acids contained in fruit. They remove the upper layer of old dead skin and stimulate the growth of new skin.
  • Vitamin A (or retinol). Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A. It is an antioxidant and is used in many anti wrinkle creams.
  • Tretinoin (or retin-A). The effects of retin-A or tretinoin will be similar to vitamin A, as it is a similar ingredient. It can be also be used to treat acne and sun damage.
  • Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). Alpha-lipolic acid neutralizes free radicals. It is an antioxidant and it also increases the effect of other antioxidants. It can exfoliate dead skin.
  • Coenzyme Q-10. Coenzyme Q-10 is more of a preventative wrinkle cream. It regulates the cells' energy production. It is also thought to protect against sun damage.
  • Copper peptides. Copper peptides occur naturally in the skin cells. It helps in the healing of wounds.
  • Kinetin. Kinetin helps the skin retain moisture and stimulates the production of collagen.
  • Isoflavones. Isoflavones are found in extracts of soy. They produce the same effect as estrogen. They can reduce the appearance of fine lines and age spots.
  • Green tea extracts. Green tea is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. It can repair damage and even prevent damage to the skin.
  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It can increase the effectiveness of vitamin E.
  • DMAE. DMAE is a natural substance that is found in fish like anchovies and sardines. It is meant to tone and tighten the skin.

Precautions to Take While Tanning

While using any tanning method, it is important to take the following precautions.
  • Consult your doctor first if you are on any medication or suffering from any disorder or have any other reason to think that the tanning method you wish to use may cause complications.
  • Test the product on a small area before tanning a larger area. This advice should be followed for lotions, sprays and bronzers.
  • Read up about the method or product you wish to use. Find out if there has been any recent negative press on that product or method.
  • Ask for recommendations. Skin tanning is not an area where one should choose the cheapest product or service. Cheap products or services may have no effect or produce adverse reactions.
  • Protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

Risks Involved in Tanning

The risks of sunbathing have been well documented. We all know that the UV rays from the sun may cause skin cancer. They can also prematurely age the skin, trigger skin disorders and cause wrinkles. Sunbathing is not the only skin tanning methods that has associated risks. Here are some of the risks for other sun tanning methods.
  • Tanning pills. Pills containing canthaxanthin have been linked to hepatitis and canthaxanthin retinopathy (yellow in the eye).
  • Tanning accelerators. When tanning accelerators are taken by mouth, they can produce nausea, headaches and itchy skin.
  • Tanning beds. There is a risk of skin cancer caused by tanning beds, as the skin is still being exposed to UV rays. Other risks include eye inflammations, skin irritations, sunburn and changes to the immune system.
  • Tanning lotions.  Some tanning lotions may cause the skin to go yellow. They may also aggravate skin conditions.
  • Spray tanning booths. Spray tanning booths may expose the mouth and eyes to dihydroxyacetone.

Choosing a Skin Tanning Method

When choosing a skin tanning method, take into account any skin disorders you have, the amount of risk you are willing to undergo in order to get a skin tan and the amount you are willing to spend. Consult your doctor if there is anything that might be aggravated or affected by a skin tan. Tanning tablets and accelerators are not recommended by many professionals. Tanning beds may still increase the risk of skin cancer. The safest methods of skin tanning seem to be a sunless skin tanning product or a bronzer. The other option is to forego getting a skin tan altogether.

Skin Tanning Precautions You Cannot Ignore

For a long time, having tanned skin was seen as being unattractive. Ironically, now that we know the dangers of skin cancer, many people find having a skin tan desirable. This has promoted the rise of the sunless skin tanning product - products that are meant to tan the skin without any dangers. This article educates you on:
  • Know about sun and sunless tanning techniques
  • What are the precautions to take while having sun and sunless tanning?
  • What are the risks involved in skin tanning?
For a long time, having tanned skin was seen as being unattractive. Ironically, now that we know the dangers of skin cancer, many people find having a skin tan desirable. This has promoted the rise of the sunless skin tanning product - products that are meant to tan the skin without any dangers. However, even these sunless skin tanning products can be dangerous in some cases.

Different Methods People Use to Tan Their Skin

The traditional method of skin tanning is by sun bathing. This was popular in the 1970s, when the skin tan became fashionable, but the risks of skin cancer were not yet widely known. Nowadays, many people choose not to directly expose their skin to UV rays. However, sun bathing is still practiced by those who do not care about the dangers or who use a sunscreen lotion with minimal coverage (or low SPF). These sunscreen lotions claim to block out some of the sun's rays, while allowing the person to get a tan.

Sunless bronzers come in the form of tanning lotions, creams or powders. They are applied to the skin for the appearance of a temporary tan. The bronzers are removed when the skin is washed.

Spray tanning booths are becoming a popular way for people to receive a skin tan. A tan is applied to the skin by means of an air compressor or airbrush.

Tanning accelerators are either lotions or pills that contain tyrosine. The tyrosine is meant to increase the formation of melanin, which accelerates the tanning process.

Tanning pills contain cathanxanthin. The canthaxatin changes the color of the skin.

Tanning beds (also known as tanning lamps) expose the body to UV rays, without the person needing to go out into direct sunlight. As this method still exposes the skin to UV rays, tanning beds can be just as dangerous as sun bathing.

Sunless tanning lotion and sunless tanning spray contain di hydroxyl acetone (DHA). DHA changes the color of the dead skin cells. The tan lasts for about one week.

Sun and Sunless Tanning Tips

Here are some tips and techniques for different skin tanning techniques.


The best advice for anyone who wishes to gain a skin tan by sunbathing is 'don't do it'. However, if you are determined to sunbathe, then keep the following tips in mind.
  • Read up on the dangers of skin cancer.
  • Learn about the effects of the sun rays on your skin. The sun's rays can increase the chance of premature ageing, speed up wrinkles, dry out your skin and become a trigger for certain skin disorders like eczema.
  • Have a number of short sunbathing sessions, instead of one long session.
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
  • Wear sunglasses.
  • A sunscreen that provides minimal coverage is better than no sunscreen at all.
  • Avoid the sun during the hottest times of the day.


Here are some tips for using bronzing products.
  • Exfoliate your skin first.
  • Do not apply a bronzer after a bath or shower.
  • Apply the bronzer in a circular motion.


Here are some tips for the use of tanning booths.
  • Exfoliate your skin first.
  • Moisturize your skin first.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing.
  • Wipe your skin with a towel after application.
  • Protect your eyes and mouth.


There is no evidence to suggest that tanning accelerators or pills actually work. A lot of people are convinced the possible dangers far outweigh any benefits. Pills, particularly, are considered one of the worst ways in which to get a sun tan. Before taking any pills or accelerators, consider the following tips.
  • Consult your doctor on whether the products will have any negative effect on medication you are taking.
  • Find out any relevant information about the product you wish to take.
  • Ask for a recommendation. Do not choose the cheapest product, as it is may have no effect.
  • Be careful in the sun and protect your skin from UV rays.


Here are some tips for using a sunless tanning lotion.
  • Ask your store attendant for the best sunless tanning lotion. Cheap versions may cause your skin to go yellow.
  • Do a skin patch test before applying the lotion to your entire body.
  • Exfoliate before using the lotion.
  • Moisturize your skin.
  • Wear the same thing every time you use the lotion - preferably something dark so that stains will not show.


Here are some tips for using tanning beds or lamps.
  • Protect your eyes and your lips.
  • Check with your doctor about the effect of UV light on any medication.
  • Moisturize your skin before and after the session.
  • Gradually expose the areas that have been covered up.
  • Don't over do it and watch the time.

Cleansing, Toning, Moisturizing and Exfoliating

Providing the right skin care (including cleansing skin care, facial toning, moisturizing, exfoliation and body cleansing) help keeps your skin looking healthy. Healthy skin looks better, gives you greater confidence and protects the body. This article tells you more on:
Why skin care is important?
  • Why toning is said to be very beneficial for pores?
  • What are the natural ways to cleanse tone and moisturize the Skin?
Providing the right skin care (including cleansing skin care, facial toning, moisturizing, exfoliation and body cleansing) help keeps your skin looking healthy. Healthy skin looks better, gives you greater confidence and protects the body.

It is important that people choose the right type of skin care for their skin, as this will reduce problem areas and prevent further skin damage from occurring. The right skin care can also help people treat any skin disorders they may have and limit or prevent skin reactions.

Different Methods of Skin Care

Cleansing, toning, moisturizing and exfoliation all serve different purposes and all of them are necessary to keep your skin looking its very best.


Cleansing removes dirt, bacteria and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Cleansing skin care is perhaps one of the most important things we can do to help keep our skin looking healthy and beautiful. Without cleansing, our faces would develop a build-up of materials that would make our faces dirty, shiny and dull. The bacteria and dirt on our face would also increase the risk of bacterial infections, leading to skin problems like acne. Cleansing is particularly important for people with oily skin, who have excess oil on their face which attracts dirt and debris.

Cleansing should not just stop with the face. Body cleansing is also important. However, a different type of cleansing may be needed for the body, than the cleansing which is needed for the face.


Facial toning does a number of things to keep your skin looking healthy. Firstly, it removes traces of dirt and debris that are left after cleansing. It also restores the skin's natural pH balance.

Toning is very beneficial for the pores. It helps tighten them up so that there is less chance of infection and acne. A good toner can tone up the skin and make it appear smoother


Moisturizing helps hydrate the skin and prevent it from further moisture loss. It can also provide a protective barrier to stop moisture from escaping from the skin. Water and many skin care products can strip the skin of moisture. Moisturizing lotion helps replace that loss moisture. It is very important for people with dry skin, who have less sebum (the skin's natural oil) on their skin.

Face masks can also have a moisturizing effect. Moisturizing face masks are very good for people with dry skin who may need some extra moisture and attention.


Exfoliating removes the surface layer of skin, along with any dirt, debris and dead skin cells. It provides a more thorough clean than cleansing. Removing the top layer of skin helps the new healthy skin to appear.

Natural Ways to Cleanse, Tone and Moisturize

Using natural methods to cleanse, tone and moisturize can often be very beneficial for the skin as natural products contain ingredients that treat the skin, without any of the harsh chemicals often associated with commercial cleansers, toners and moisturizers.
Any vegetable or plant based oil can become a good natural facial cleansing oil. Almond and jojoba oil are particularly good as they nourish the skin as well as clean it. Natural facial cleansing oil is very good for people with oily skin, as oils work better in removing the excess oil from the surface of the skin. A good natural cleanser can also be made with yoghurt. Add a few drops of some essential oil.

Fruit masks can helps cleanse the skin of all impurities. Acid-based fruit (like grapefruit or strawberries) works best. Use it by itself or mix with yoghurt or honey.


Apple cider vinegar is a good natural alternative to skin toning. Other good natural toners include rose water, witch hazel, lemon juice, tea tree, cucumber juice and tomato juice. They may need to be diluted in water. You can also make your own natural toner by steeping some herbs in water and cooling it in the fridge. Aloe Vera, peppermint, chamomile and lavender are some of the good herbs to put in homemade toners.


When you know good natural moisturizing ingredients, you can understand how to moisturize skin without commercial moisturizers. Honey, yoghurt and plant-based oils are good moisturizing products. They can be made into special moisturizing masks that are left on your skin for ten minutes. Add some fruit, aloe Vera or herbs. Plant-based oil (like apricot kernel, evening primrose, jojoba, avocado or almond) can also be used as a daily moisturizer.


For natural skin exfoliation, try baking soda or oatmeal. Mix it into a paste with some water or milk. Apply to your face and scrub off with circular motions. Other good exfoliators include sugar mixed in honey and sea salts mixed in oil.

For a deep pore cleansing facial, give yourself a face sauna first. Add some herbs or essential oils to a bowl of steaming hot water. Place your face over it, with a towel draped over your head. Finish with one of the exfoliators.

Commercial Natural Products

You can also buy some good natural cleansers, toners, moisturizers and exfoliators from your health food shop, pharmacist or cosmetic counter. When choosing a natural product, check the ingredients. Some products will claim to be natural, but will actually contain many chemicals and include few natural ingredients.


Skin care is important, but it doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. Knowing the right type of skin care to provide is the first step. Try different products to find the ones that work best for you. Don't be afraid to use ingredients you have lying around the house. When cleansing your skin, don't forget that body cleansing is almost as important as facial cleansing skin care. Providing the right care will keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful.

Skin Care Secrets

Skin plays a vital role in everyone's life that how one looks and feels, is directly related to one skin. Great skin is the first step towards an excellent makeup also. Making the best choices for our bodies, and ultimately our skin, is achieved through good diet/ food, exercise, regular professional treatments, personalized homecare, and above all, a healthy mental attitude.

Secret solutions for skin care:
As far as your daily diet is concerned, track these three secrets in your routine to have a glowing and sensuous skin.
  1. Avoid eating chocolates and foods or drinks that are made with cocoa combination. There is a link between chocolate and skin conditions such as pimples.
  2. Avoid fried and fatty foods in general.
  3. Avoid starchy foods. No cakes, biscuits, sweets, bread or Jams.
The first and foremost step towards beautiful skin is working out what your skin type is. This is necessary, so that you can move forward how to care for your skin, and what products should be used. Below are the 5 different features of skin types, which you can compare to your own skin type. Once you have decided what type your skin is, you can find out what the best way is to look after your skin.
  1. Dry skin
  2. Oily skin
  3. Combinational skin
  4. Sensitive skin
  5. Normal skin
Care for Dry skin:
  • For dry skin, use a creamy cleanser to melt away dirt. Leave it on your skin before sweeping it away with cotton wool. Splash cold water onto your face to clean and refresh your skin. Use a thick cream moisturizer to seal in as much moisture as possible and have a refreshing feel.
Care for Oily skin:
  • To care for oily skin you should start with a gentle, foaming facial wash. This will remove dirt and oil without stripping away moisture. Soak cotton wool in a gentle astringent lotion and sweep it over your skin to refresh and cool it.
  • Even oily skin needs a moisturizer, but choose a light, watery fluid; this will be enough for your skin. Allow the moisturizer to sink in well and then absorb the excess with a tissue to prevent shine.
Care for Combinational skin:
  • If you have combinational skin use a foaming facial wash in the mornings to cleanse your skin. This will keep the oily areas clean to prevent blackheads. In the evening use a cream cleanser to soothe your dry areas. This will keep a balance between excess dryness and excess oiliness. Use a strong astringent for your oily areas and a mild skin freshener for the dry areas. This is not an expensive option, as you will need a little of each. Use moisturizer on your whole face, but make sure you concentrate on your drier areas.
Care for Sensitive Skin:
  • If you have sensitive skin, do not use facial washes or soap; instead use a light, hypoallergenic cleansing lotion. Use a moisturizer to strengthen your skin and provide a barrier against irritants. Make sure you use an non perfumed moisturizer, which will not irritate your skin.
Care for Normal Skin:
  • To care for normal skin you should start with a gentle foaming facial wash. Massaging it into your face will give you a rosy complexion. Cool your skin with a refreshing toner, and massage it with your fingers in light upward strokes.

Sun and Skin

We all know we need to protect our skin from the sun's harmful rays. Of course, it's impossible to avoid the sun — who wants to hide indoors when it feels so great to get outside and be active? And the sun's not all bad, anyway: Sunlight helps our bodies create vitamin D. So follow these tips when you're outdoors to help manage sun exposure:

  • Wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15, even if it's cloudy or you don't plan on spending a lot of time outdoors. If you sweat a lot or go swimming, reapply sunscreen every 2 to 3 hours (even if the bottle says the sunscreen is waterproof).
  • Choose a sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Look for the words "broad spectrum protection" or UVA protection in addition to the SPF of 15 or greater. Select a sunscreen that says "nonacnegenic" or "noncomedogenic" on the label to help keep pores clear.
  • The sun's rays are strongest between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, so make sure you reapply sunscreen frequently and take breaks indoors if you can. If your shadow is longer than you are tall, then it's a safer time to be in the sun (you should still wear sunscreen, though).
  • Apply more sunscreen (with higher SPF) when you're around reflective surfaces like water, snow, or ice.
  • We all know that the sun can damage skin, but did you know it can contribute to eye problems, too? Protect your face and eyes with a hat and sunglasses that provide 100% UV protection.
  • Some medications, such as prescription acne medications or birth control pills, can increase your sensitivity to the sun, so if you're taking medication, increase your sun protection.
  • If you want the glow of a tan, try faking it with self-tanners or salon tanning treatments. Avoid tanning beds, though, because although manufacturers claim that tanning beds are free of UVB rays, they still use harmful UVA rays.
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