Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thai herbal poultice massage in your home

Thailand is home to some of the best spas in the world. One of my dreams is to go to Thailand and spend a few days in a luxurious spa such as Chiva Som. 

I feel a little close to my dream with the new poultices that contain the traditional Thai herbs. The treatment can do done at home; there are also many spas offering it.

The Thai herbal poultices smell great and have herbs with specific properties to induce deep muscle relaxation. The massage uses heat to open the pores so it can absorb the herbal extracts. The heat and the extracts help to eliminate toxins and relax the muscles. 

The treatment can be done with your love partner a girlfriend or along. It is very relaxing, exotic, and relatively easy. 

How to get the poultices?

You can buy them on the Internet. You can also make them yourself gathering all the materials and wrapping them in cheese cloth. The recipe for the poultices was published by Sophie Benge in her book "Asian Beauty Secrets." It is a well-known recipe in Thailand.

You will need about 2 ounces of each of the following herbs: prai (relax the muscles), lemongrass (astringent), turmeric (purifying), and camphor (relaxes the muscles and disinfects). 

Cut a piece of cloth of about 10 inches of diameter, put the herbs in the center and wrap the ends into one bunch. Tighten it well. 

You can use fresh or dry herbs. If you use dry herbs, you can preserve and reuse it.

How to do the Thai herbal poultice massage
Prepare the area where you will have the massage. You may want to put a towel or an extra sheet because it may get some water or smell from the herbs. You can put candles, music, etc. to create the right ambiance. 

1- Put the poultice in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes. 

2- Put the poultice on a steamer for 10 or 15 minutes. If you do not have a steamer or prefer the microwave put the poultice for 3 minutes be careful with the temperature. It has to be warm but not burning. 

3- You are ready to start the massage. Put the poultice for about 30 seconds with circular movements in all the large muscles of the body. Apply light pressure at each point.

4- After you finish relax a few minutes. You may take a shower but preferably wait a few hours so your skin can absorb the herbal extracts. 

Enjoy this tropical treat. 


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